About me:

Greetings Plantseeker!


I'm so glad you're here. 


My name is J. Hendrikson. Before I go into my journey I would like to extend a special thanks to Food for Health Foundation for granting me a full ride scholarship to earn the Plant Based Nutrition Certification through eCornell T.Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies.


I am grateful to announce that as of April 29 of 2022, I'm excited to share with you I've become Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate through eCornell University Program.


Dr.T Colin Campbell PhD is the Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University. He has commited a lifelong research in the nutrition field and is most known for publishing The China Study - The Most Comprehensive Study on Nutrition. To summarize the book goes into great detail about the alarming connection between the consumption of animal-based products and the long term health consequences; direct cause and effect of disease promotion such as cancer promotion, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and a hosts of other health problems. Most diseases can be avoided and often times be reversed by simply making healthier choices, adapting a whole plant based lifestyle (eliminating salt, oil, and sugar).

it is no secret the subject of nutrition is one that is widely misunderstood, controversial and often times can cause confusion and for new vegans alike may bring about feelings of anguish, isolation having to explain their new found lifestyle at family gatherings.  To get to the heart of the matter, Doctor's and Physician's have been trained to treat the symptoms of the disease, and often times are not educated in the field of nutrition to evaluate root cause analysis and suggest an alternative wholistic approach. Other than prescribe a medication, which will likely cause other hosts of problems overtime.


The connection between health, and medicine should be obvious one in this modern era. However there are big players in the pharmaceutical industry, and lobbing groups, corporate monopoly owners have their own capitalistic agenda and do not suit their best interest to have a healthy and well-informed public. The awakening and development of society and the transformation of consciousness is one that can no longer delayed - ultimately the dominoes will fall in place, creating a tipping point effect bringing about an end of a destructive era.


 iSeekPlants was created as a resource to help with the building blocks, to share guiding principles, philosophies and regenerative systems approach to make the transition easier.


  My journey to veganism began in 2007, how we arrived at this point and what is to be expected to come in the years ahead.


I've been very fortunate and grateful to have met many walks of life throughout the years. It seemed that every other new friend or person I met during my late teens have adopted or were trying a vegetarian diet. Like many that came before me, I often wondered and questioned what was the reasoning, and motive. The more reseach I completed, the more questions I had. Like pieces to a missing puzzle, it all started to come together with every new piece of information that I uncovered; the layers of social fabric started to unfold before my very eyes.


During the Vans Warped Tour 2008 – I distinctly remember a brief encounter with Jainism and the principles of Ahimsa; the commitment to non-violence. This term was new to me, I didn’t think much of it at the time, since after all I was on festival grounds. However, later that same night I experienced an intense vivid dream, in which the cow whom was considered a representation of the Earth – a voice prophesized heed this warning: “whatever we do to the cow, destruction awaits, unraveling the earth, the humankind and it's lifeforms." This was the moment of epiphany when it all came together. and realized all hell will break loose if we don't start taking responsibility for our actions. After waking up from this dream, and coming back to harsh reality - I felt compelled to investigate further. My research led me to the discovery of Martinus Thomsen teachings and writings of Cosmology – and the development of human consciousness and society. It heavily reinforced the need to shift cultural values and eliminate the killing principle in order to attain a higher state of consciousness and the complete development of humanity. In a nutshell, we must learn to take care of others and the planet if we expect a chance of survival.


2021 was a year which many of us were asked to transform and reavuluate our values. Due to voicing my love and concern for animal rights, the employer company I was working for, terminated my position as QA in October. It has been challenging times. Please help a fellow vegan, and support my page so I can continue to contribute content. I appreciate you all for visiting my page. If you have any questions, please reach out via social media channels.


Light, love and blessings,




iSeekPlants™ Φ 2022 Ω